Volunteers Needed! – Community Cleanup Sept 18

The Highland Park Community Association is hosting a Community Cleanup event on September 18, 2021, from 9am to 2pm! We need volunteers to assist with:

  • Traffic Control - directing cars, answering questions, and generally chatting up drivers as they wait in line. (2 volunteers for each shift of 8:30-11:30; 11:30-2:30)

  • Unloading/Sorting - helping unload items from vehicles into the proper area or bin. (at least 2 for each shift of 8:30-10:30; 10:30-12:30; 12:30-2:30)

  • Setup Team - helping set up tables and pass out safety equipment (2 people for one shift of 8:00-9:00)

  • Teardown Team - helping gather safety equipment, check the site at end of the day for any out of place items, and putting away tables and equipment (2 people for one shift of 2:00-3:00)

We will be providing volunteers with vests and gloves. While we strongly encourage you to wear steel-toed shoes, we suggest comfy shoes in the event you don't have steel-toed shoes available.

Thanks in advance to all the wonderful volunteers who help make Highland Park such a great community!

If you are able to lend a hand, please contact Jeanne Kimber at development@hpca.ca to sign up!