HPCA Casino – Volunteers Needed - Cancelled until further notice

HPCA Casino May 12-13 2020

End that winter long cabin fever!  Get out of the house and come have some fun! You'll get to hang out with some friendly people and know that you are helping out your local Community Association and all that it offers our great Community!

This is where you go to sign up - it's easy!  Alternatively, contact Kerri Johansen @
(403) 988-5997 and she'll help you out. 


Please sign up for your preferred position, date and shift. You can work more than 1 shift or date, but note that you cannot change positions. That is, you cannot be the Banker on May 12 and then a Cashier on May 13.

Backup positions are "On Call" positions. We will aim to provide notice 24 hrs in advance if you are required.

Once signed up, you will receive a volunteer form to complete (for the key positions) and a list of rules with more information. (free meal included!)

See you there!